Good example of a powerful vertical engine set on a wooden base. It is a good large size with the flywheel measuring 7 1/2" (19cm) in diameter and it is 13 3/4" (35cm) high. The wooden base is approximately 12 1/2" (32cm) x 8" (20cm).
It belonged to a collector and enthusiast and comes with an information card stating " This model is built from a set of castings supplied by the Stuart Eng.Co. of Solihul Warwickshire. Each casting was machined to the correct dimensions from the plans supplied with the parts. The completed engine is a true working model of the type of engine that was used from about 1850 onwards to drive the looms and other machines in the mills in Lancashire.....This model was built in 1936"
It is believed to be a rare No.5 model made in the early 20th century due to it's 2 inch bore. Since originally photographing we have removed the cylinder head cover to measure the bore and determine the model. Some of the red paint around the cylinder head bolts/nuts has chipped when undoing them but there is more paint on order to touch them up.
Thank you to Steve for his help in identifying the model. More detail about the Stuart No.5 can be found on his website
The model is excellent quality and has been very well looked after. The metal parts are bright and clean and the paint is fresh and smart. It is of course designed to be connected up to a steam engine and although I have not tested it this way I've had it connected up to a small air compressor and it works very well with all parts moving freely.