Great vintage Stereoscopic camera manufactured around the turn of the Century with its original brown leather carrying case. . The camera itself is cased in wood which is covered by a black leather type material. The camera front folds down and the lenses and bellows slide forwards along a metal track and is able to be locked in place. The whole camera front can be raised up by turning a metal key on the left hand side. There is a metal plaque between the lenses which reads "Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. Rochester. N.Y." and this is also engraved on the brass front too. The aperture can be adjusted using the dial between the lenses. The shutter leaver is located above the left lens and this is what allows for a picture to be taken. Either side of the lenses are air operated shutter controls to enable a picture to be taken remotely. The viewfinder is on the front of the wooden platform.